June Star is Bailey’s daughter and John Wesley’s younger sister, and she has an even worse attitude than her brother. She talks back to everyone in her family, insisting that her opinion is always right. In some ways, June Star seems like a younger version of the grandmother due to her intense commitment to her specific view of the world. She emphasizes, for example, that the family never does anything that the children want to do after Bailey tells them they will not stop to visit the plantation with the hidden treasure. With the help of her brother’s kicking and the grandmother’s side comments, June Star’s whining eventually drives her father to change his mind. The similarities between her behavior and her grandmother’s suggest that the notion of performative goodness, or self-serving behavior, is not limited to the grandmother or her generation but extends to others as well. As harmful as this worldview is, the confidence that it gives to June Star serves her as she faces The Misfit. She may not have the opportunity to experience a spiritual epiphany like her grandmother, but her refusal to hold hands with Bobby Lee as she walks to her death reveals an impressive, although likely oblivious, challenge to the evil in front of her.