A beautiful, rich, and lonely child, Daisy decides very early that she wants to make a name for herself in the music scene and to resist being defined by other people, especially men. As a teenager, she learns that sex is a way to get attention and gain access to power in the music industry. She also learns that drugs are a way to manage the pain of her neglected upbringing, the often-unwanted attention of men, and her own enormous feelings. Throughout her life, both sex and drugs serve as distractions from her goal of making a name for herself and having her voice be heard on her own terms. She finds a healthier outlet through writing songs, and though it’s her beauty and uniqueness that get her noticed by the recording industry, she’s determined to be seen for the power of her art and the beauty and truth in her songs. 

Daisy sees her collaboration with Billy Dunne and the other members of The Six as a way to finally be taken seriously as a singer and songwriter. As Billy and Daisy clash and wrestle for power, Daisy never backs down. She stakes her claim in the band—and in her own life—and demands equal creative power, not just for herself but for the other band members, too. Rather than being a distraction, the passion and intensity Daisy feels for Billy serves as a catalyst for some of her best creative work and her most painful self-reckoning. By opening herself up to real, if impossible, love, Daisy also finds her way to the sobriety that helps her to truly start over. By fighting, writing, and falling in love with Billy, Daisy also comes to fight for herself, to know her own voice, and to believe that she is worthy of love.