Looking for Zora

In this longer review of the Zora Neale Hurston reader compiled by Alice Walker, And Then Again When I Am Looking Mean and Impressive, the author considers Walker’s devotion to Hurston, including her quest to find and mark Hurston’s grave.

Ava DuVernay on the Book Her Sister Recommended

The African-American film director, Ava DuVernay, writes about reading Their Eyes Were Watching God as a college freshman, and the effect it had on her understanding of her identity.

The Last Slave

In 1931, Hurston tried to publish a long interview she conducted with Cudjo Lewis, the last remaining slave-ship survivor. Her piece was rejected, but finally published in 2018 under the title Barracoon.

Zora is My Name

In 1990, Ruby Dee wrote this play that ran on Broadway, based on Hurston’s memoirs. This video is a full-length recording of a performance, recorded for PBS.

Zora Neale Hurston, Through Family Eyes

An audio interview with Hurston’s niece, who wrote a book about the famous author and their family.

The Harlem Renaissance

This episode of the podcast 15 Minute History looks closely at the Harlem Renaissance, the artistic movement of African-Americans living in northern Manhattan in the 1920s. Hurston was a part of this movement.

Zora Neale Hurston's Hometown Legacy

A short video looking at the real-life Eatonville, Florida, which features prominently in Their Eyes Were Watching God.