Poe and Stella have known each other since they first met as children in the hospital. Like Stella, Poe long ago accepted his diagnosis and makes the best of life by doing things he enjoys such as cooking, skateboarding, and playing soccer. Poe helps Will and Stella during their romance, warning them of Barb’s presence when the two are sneaking around the hospital. As Poe has been a ward of the state ever since his parents were deported, he will be on his own when he turns eighteen and worries about becoming a burden to anyone who loves him. For this reason, Poe pushes people away, including his boyfriend, Michael.

Before his sudden death, Poe had just gotten back together with Michael, and they were making plans to visit Poe’s family in Colombia. After Will’s birthday party, when Barb scolded Poe along with Stella and Will, Poe pointed out that they had fun, and this was the last thing Stella heard him say before he died. Poe’s death helps Stella see how fleeting life is and underscores the importance of enjoying life before it ends.