Stella Grant

A high school senior living with cystic fibrosis and one of the protagonists of the novel. Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at the age of six, Stella is extremely rules-oriented and strict about her regimen to keep herself healthy to qualify for a lung transplant. While realistic and sardonic about her illness, Stella is willing to do whatever it takes to stay alive for as long as possible, especially since her parents divorced after the death of her sister Abby. Stella knows how to code and built an app to set custom reminders for people living with chronic illnesses. Despite her initial dislike of Will and the dangers of being physically near him, Stella falls in love with Will.

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Will Newman

A teenager living with cystic fibrosis and one of the protagonists of the novel. Will has a fatal complication called B. cepacia and has been receiving experimental treatments all over the world for the past eight months in spite of his objections. Will believes that since his death is inevitable, he should not spend what time he has left cooped up in a hospital. Will has dreams to travel the world and is a cartoonist.

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A teenager living with cystic fibrosis and Stella’s best friend. Poe and Stella met in the hospital as children and have supported each other ever since. Because Poe’s parents were deported to Colombia, Poe is a ward of the state until he turns eighteen. Poe has dreams of being a chef and enjoys skateboarding and soccer.

Read an in-depth analysis of Poe.


A nurse who works on the floor where Stella, Will, and Poe are staying. Barb is extremely protective of Stella and very strict about the rules of the hospital and therefore the greatest foil to Stella and Will’s relationship.

Read an in-depth analysis of Barb.


A nurse on the floor where Stella, Will, and Poe are staying. Julie is younger than Barb and is pregnant with her first child.


Poe’s ex-boyfriend and current boyfriend. Poe first breaks up with Michael to avoid hurting him, but they get back together shortly before Poe dies.

Will’s mother

A very wealthy and ambitious woman, determined to find treatment for Will’s condition. At first, Will’s mother might be considered overbearing, but she reveals herself to care very much about her son.

Stella’s parents

Divorced at the beginning of the novel after losing Stella’s sister Abby. Stella views her parents as very fragile and doesn’t want them to worry about her. They eventually realize they need to support Stella and get back together.

Dr. Hamid

The doctor of Stella, Will, and Poe. Dr. Hamid pronounces Poe’s death and later performs Stella’s lung transplant. Dr. Hamid does not oversee her patients’ daily behaviors as closely as Barb.


A lifelong friend of Will’s and Hope’s boyfriend. Jason travels with Will after Will gets out of the hospital.


Jason’s girlfriend and Will’s friend. Along with Jason, Hope visits Will regularly at the hospital, attends Will’s birthday party, and helps Will plan his goodbye to Stella.


A friend of Stella’s from school. Camila visits Stella in the hospital before the senior trip to Cabo. She attends Will’s birthday party and helps Will plan his goodbye to Stella. Camila travels with Stella to Rome at the end of the novel.


A friend of Stella’s from school. Mya visits Stella in the hospital before the senior trip to Cabo. Along with Camila, she attends Will’s birthday party and helps Will plan his goodbye to Stella. Mya travels with Camila and Stella to Rome at the end of the novel.