1 of 25
Whose words are used to open the Investigations?

2 of 25
Which of the following is NOT a word in the language-game of section 2?

3 of 25
In section 43, what does Wittgenstein identify as the meaning of a word?

4 of 25
Which of the following is NOT an objection Wittgenstein raises against logical atomism?

5 of 25
Which of the following is true of all games?

6 of 25
What does Wittgenstein mean by "family resemblance"?

7 of 25
Which of the following is NOT true of Wittgenstein's approach to philosophy?

8 of 25
Which of the following claims does Wittgenstein hold in both his earlier philosophy (i.e. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus) and his later philosopher (i.e. Philosophical Investigations)?

9 of 25
Which other word does Wittgenstein investigate in order to clarify his investigation of "understanding"?

10 of 25
Which field of study does Wittgenstein do the most to undercut?

11 of 25
Which of the following interpreters takes Wittgenstein's discussion of rule following to be evidence of radical conventionalism?

12 of 25
What is a "private language"?

13 of 25
What is the "beetle" in the "beetle in the box" analogy of Part I, section 293 supposed to represent?

14 of 25
What does Wittgenstein say on the question of whether a machine might ever be able to think?

15 of 25
Which of these questions has no clear application?

16 of 25
What does Wittgenstein say about the statement, "I believe that fire will burn me"?

17 of 25
Which of the following does Wittgenstein say is like understanding a sentence?

18 of 25
Which of the following verbs is used differently from the other three?

19 of 25
What determines that I am genuinely guessing the time and not just reciting empty words when I say, "I wonder what time it is"?

20 of 25
Which is an expression of Moore's paradox?

21 of 25
Which of the following can a dog not feel?

22 of 25
What sorts of things are we talking about when we talk about "seeing"?

23 of 25
Why does Wittgenstein introduce the "duck-rabbit"?

24 of 25
Where does Wittgenstein suggest we look for a rose's teeth?

25 of 25
Where was Wittgenstein born?

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