I'm going. He does not move.

This line, which Estragon delivers early in Act One, becomes a motif throughout the play and emphasizes the disconnect between language and action. He and Vladimir mention leaving on numerous occasions but fail to follow through and do so, rendering their words rather meaningless. In addition to commenting on the inability of language to capture the reality of human experience, this disconnect adds another layer of absurdity to the world of the play and emphasizes the characters’ helplessness.

Given the existence as uttered forth in the public works of Puncher and Wattmann of a personal God quaquaquaqua with white beard quaquaquaqua outside time without extension who from the heights of divine apathia divine athambia divine aphasia loves us dearly…

These lines serve as the opening of Lucky’s speech in Act One, a moment known for its incoherent language and overwhelming nature. While he attempts to use academic conventions in order to make a philosophical point, his argument becomes hopelessly garbled. This choice allows Beckett to illustrate humankind’s struggle to identify and interpret meaning in the world around them, especially for a generation reeling from the aftermath of World War II. The fact that Lucky never speaks again further emphasizes the futility of using language as a vehicle for understanding.

VLADIMIR: Say you are, even if it's not true.  

ESTRAGON: What am I to say?  

VLADIMIR: Say, I am happy.  

ESTRAGON: I am happy.  

VLADIMIR: So am I.  

ESTRAGON: So am I.  

VLADIMIR: We are happy.  

ESTRAGON: We are happy.

Near the beginning of Act Two, Estragon and Vladimir have this exchange of dialogue as they attempt to discuss the day’s events. The repetitive structure of their banter in this moment adds to its absurdity by emphasizing the idea that their words have no sense of authenticity behind them. Rather than genuinely expressing how they feel, Estragon and Vladimir repeat their declarations of happiness in order to pass the time, and this meaningless behavior emphasizes the emptiness of language.

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