Xiomara Batista

A poet and the story’s protagonist. Xiomara, also known as X, is a tenth-grade girl living in Harlem with her mother (Mami), father (Papi), and twin brother Xavier (Twin). Xiomara is often at odds with competing desires. Her beauty and her developing, shapely body attract attention from males in her neighborhood and at school that Xiomara finds both exciting and disturbing. Xiomara struggles to find a voice for herself through poetry, and to be the daughter she believes her mother wants her to be. Xiomara tries to reconcile her desire to be free of constraints while still adhering to the Catholic faith her mother insists she follow. Xiomara is headstrong, and she constantly pushes against internal and external boundaries in her quest to discover her voice and to make her place in her family and society. 

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Mami (Altagracia Batista)

Xiomara’s mother, the novel's main antagonist. Mami immigrated from the Dominican Republic after unwillingly entering an arranged marriage in order to provide a connection to the United States for her family. She is resentful about her relationship with Xiomara’s father because he represents the destruction of her dream to become a nun. Mami is a devout Catholic who rigidly adheres to her faith and does not allow Xiomara any freedom to explore her own beliefs. Mami expects Xiomara to be obedient and resorting to physical and emotional abuse to control her daughter. She also demands that Xiomara not have any relationships with boys and blames her when boys sexualize her for her appearance. Mami is abusive and controlling, culminating when she burns Xiomara’s notebook of poetry when she realizes that her daughter has her own ideas and desires. 

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Xavier/Twin Batista

Xiomara’s twin brother who she calls Twin. He is the favorite child because he is a boy and because he embraces the tenets of Catholicism. He is a foil to Xiomara because he is quiet, religiously devout, and compliant with his mother's wishes, all the things Xiomara is not. Because he is small and considered nerdy, he is also targeted by bullies, and Xiomara stands up for him and gets in fights on his behalf. He goes to a different school than his sister because he’s a gifted student who skipped a grade. He is hiding his sexuality and falls in love with Cody during the same time period that Xiomara is faling for her first boyfriend. 

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Xiomara’s lab partner and first boyfriend. Aman is from Trinidad and lives alone with his father. He and Xiomara first bond over music. Although Aman is kind to Xiomara and respects her when she says “no,” he does push her to do things physically that she’s not always certain she wants to do. Aman witnesses Xiomara get groped at school and doesn't intervene even though Xiomara expects him to stand up for her. Still, Aman takes an interest in Xiomara’s poetry and is there for her right away when she runs away from home and asks him for help.  


Xiomara and Twin’s best friend. Caridad is supportive and optimistic, and she consistently encourages Xiomara. She has known Xiomara and Twin since they were very young, and Mami approves of their friendship. Like Twin, Caridad is a foil to Xiomara because she is devout in her faith and happily obedient to her parents. She acts as a devil’s advocate for Xiomara when it comes to church and boys, but she is always supportive of Xiomara’s writing and facilitates her first public reading at a poetry slam event. Even though she does not always approve of Xiomara’s actions, especially when it comes to Aman, Caridad covers for Xiomara and is always a good and loyal friend to her. 

Father Sean 

The priest at Xiomara’s church. Father Sean is a Jamaican immigrant and former boxer. He is objective and insightful, but he frustrates Xiomara because he doesn't directly answer her questions about what she interperets as "patriarchal misogyny" in his sermons. Still, he believes no one should be forced into devoting themselves to a faith and suggests that Xiomara hold off on her confirmation. When Xiomara goes to him for help after Mami burns her notebook, it shows he sees her clearly and wants to act in her best interest, including providing helpful counseling to the family. 


Xiomara’s father. He is a largely silent presence in the family who does not intercede when Mami abuses Xiomara. He has a reputation as a womanizer and apparently cheated on Altagracia before the twins were born. Xiomara gets to know her father better when he participates in family counseling, and Papi shows pride in his daughter for the first time when he goes to her poetry slam event. 

Ms. Galiano 

Xiomara’s English teacher and Poetry Club adviser. Although she is a demanding teacher, Ms. Galiano inspires and encourages Xiomara. She persists in inviting Xiomara to join the Poetry Club. She is a strong, independent woman who serves as a role model for Xiomara. 


A member of the Poetry Club. Isabelle is loud in both clothing and personality. Isabelle is outgoing and self-confident. She is also kind and welcoming to Xiomara both in and out of club meetings. 


Twin’s boyfriend. Cody is a red-headed white boy whose parents accept his sexual orientation. However, his family moves away, and Cody breaks thing off, leaving Twin heartbroken.