"The relation between the white and black race in Africa in many ways resembles the relation between the two sexes."

This quote takes place in the chapter, "Of the Two Races," which is found in the fourth section of Out of Africa, "From an Immigrant's Notebook." The quote summarizes the narrator's perspective that natives and Europeans exist with equal importance toward one another in Africa. One knows, in the case of the two sexes, that a man is as important to a woman as a woman is to a man. In Africa, however, both Europeans and natives frequently think that they are more important than the other. Prejudiced Europeans view natives as childish creatures who need constant guidance and who are essentially ignorant. Natives laugh at Europeans, since they know so little about how to truly survive in the harsh African world. For Dinesen, both natives and Europeans should appreciate that the other is equally significant. It is only through such understanding that they all, and Africa itself, will be able to survive.