The tone of A Doll’s House is objective and somewhat standoffish. Ibsen uses his characters to make broader points about society rather than subjecting his characters to moral critique or making the audience view the characters’ actions in a particular light. For example, though Krogstad at first appears menacing (Nora tells her children “No, the strange man won’t do Mother any harm,”), the audience slowly comes to sympathize with Krogstad as Ibsen reveals what led the man to fall into unsavory ways. Krogstad later fully repents as the love of Mrs. Linde opens his heart. Ibsen uses a cunning parallel to create a connection between Nora and Krogstad, who both committed the crime of forgery, drawing no judgments against either character. Ultimately, Torvald ends up as only character who does not show multiple sides to his personality, and he represents the conventional society that Ibsen critiques as unjust.