Is it possible, lord, that, since you are in eternity, you are ignorant of what I am saying to you? Or, do you see in time an event at the time it occurs?

For what was spoken was not finished, and then something else spoken until the whole series was spoken, but all things, at the same time and forever. For, otherwise, we should have time and change and not a true eternity, nor a true immortality.

For the will of god is not a created thing, but comes before the creation—and this is true because nothing could be created unless the will of the creator came before it.

Context for Book 10 Quotes

Having considered memory, Augustine moves on in Book 10 to the consideration of time itself, in which any recollection and confession must take place. Beginning with questions about Genesis and the creation of the world, Augustine expands his realm of inquiry in an attempt to account for the apparent separation of God (who is eternal) from his creation (which seems trapped in temporality). Throughout this Book, Augustine lets us know that these are extremely difficult questions for him, and continually asks God to help keep his mind focused. (This device probably serves at least two purposes: it mitigates the extent to which Augustine might be criticized for putting philosophy over God, and it helps to keep the reader from simply giving up on the intricacies of the argument).