Act I

Scene i

Iago and Roderigo tell Brabantio that Othello has married Desdemona, so that Brabantio will go after Othello.

Scene ii

As Brabantio and Roderigo arrive to attack Othello, Othello is called to see the Duke of Venice. Brabantio decides to talk to the Duke directly about Othello and Desdemona.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act I: Scenes i & ii.

Scene iii

Desdemona chooses Othello over her father, which tortures Roderigo. The Duke sends Othello to defend Cyprus from the Turks, and Desdemona goes with him. Iago thinks Othello slept with his wife Emilia and vows revenge.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act I: Scene iii.

Act II

Scene i

The Turks die in a storm, but Othello makes it to Cyprus. Iago plans to frame Cassio by convincing Roderigo that Cassio wants to sleep with Desdemona.

Scene ii

Othello's herald announces a feast, celebrating Cyprus' safety and Othello's marriage.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act II: Scenes i & ii.

Scene iii

Iago gets Cassio drunk, who then stabs Mayor Montano, and Othello fires Cassio. Iago suggests that Cassio ask for Desdemona's help getting his job back.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act II: Scene iii.


Scene i

Emilia tells Cassio that Desdemona is trying to get Othello to rehire him, but Othello is unsure because of Montano's political influence and popularity in Cyprus.

Scene ii

Othello asks Iago to deliver letters to his ship's captain and give his regards to the Senate of Venice.

Scene iii

Iago convinces Othello that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair, and Othello vows revenge. Othello promotes Iago to lieutenant.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act III: Scenes i–iii.

Scene iv

Othello hints that Desdemona is unfaithful when she cannot produce the handkerchief he gave her, and tells her it was enchanted. Cassio asks Bianca to copy the handkerchief, which he found in his room.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act III: Scene iv.

Act IV

Scene i

Iago asks Cassio to talk about Bianca while Othello listens in hiding, tricking Othello into believing Cassio is talking about Desdemona, and he accuses her of having an affair. While Othello plans to murder Cassio and Desdemona, Lodovico arrives with orders for Othello to go back to Venice and leave Cassio in charge.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act IV: Scene i.

Scene ii

Othello accuses Desdemona of being a prostitute, while Emilia ponders that a villain has tricked Othello into thinking this. Roderigo laments his unrequited love, and Iago tries to convince him to kill Cassio.

Scene iii

Desdemona sings a song about losing one's lover as she gets ready for bed, and speaks with Emilia about adultery.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act IV: Scenes ii & iii.

Act V

Scene i

Iago wounds Cassio and frames Roderigo for it, then kills Roderigo. Iago and Emilia arrest Bianca for being a prostitute and say it led to Cassio's death.

Scene ii

Othello smothers Desdemona. Iago stabs Emilia as she figures out his deceptions and tells everyone. Othello realizes Desdemona was innocent, wounds Iago, and kills himself.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act V: Scenes i & ii.