In sharp contrast to the more prestigious members of the clergy in the company, the simple Parson is honest and devout. The narrator highlights the contrast between his worldly poverty and his spiritual wealth, even noting that the Parson gladly gives his needy parishioners money from his small stipend. Indeed, the Parson is reluctant to take tithes from the poor. As the money from tithes benefits the Catholic Church as an institution, the Parson’s reluctance shows an allegiance to charity over maintaining church hierarchy. The Parson takes his job seriously and works to behave as a good role model for those he serves. As the narrator puts it, “He taught; but first he folwed it hymselve,” making sure to genuinely follow Christ’s teachings before he even begins to preach them. In accordance with his General Prologue portrait, the Parson’s Tale is less a tale and more a sermon. He outright rejects storytelling because it involves telling “fables,” when his trade is in the truth, which in his worldview is Christianity. His sermon on repentance highlights his sincere devotion to Christian thought even amid a playful storytelling contest. He has not forgotten that he is on pilgrimage.